
mercredi 29 septembre 2010

Fa La La La La, La La La La

Maybe I’m a little early, but this year, I really want to enjoy Christmas. So I need to be prepared! So why not start now!

I’m already listening to Christmas carols, I already hung up some little colourful Christmas lights and I almost put a little Christmas tree in the corner of my room, but after some thought I will wait after Halloween!

You maybe think I’m crazy, but Christmas is my favourite time of the year and last year I haven’t see it coming and it made me sad!

But this year I’ll be prepared. The first thing I’m going to do, those few days, is Christmas cards. I want to do some to every people I really appreciate. Maybe you’ll be one of them. :)
Of course, I'll ask for your postal address, if it's okay for you. Yes I’m doing it in the old fashioned way! ( I don't really like email communications )

So next time you’ll hear from me about Christmas, will probably be in your mailbox, in December!

4 commentaires:

Kenza a dit...

i can't wait !!
je viens juste de remarquer que tu écris juste en anglais toi !!
et maman dans tout ca haha ?
love you ti loup

Matthieu Legault a dit...

c'est cool ça

Ouien, c vrai, pis ta maman dans tout ça?? :P ;)

Anonyme a dit...

Jouyeux noël ma chère Karima. Comment allez-vous depuis le temps?
Avez-vous été assez sage pour recevoir des cadeaux?
J'espère vous voir bientôt.

Mr O.T.

Karima Illustration a dit...

Haha, elle comprend quand même l'anglais! Non mais alala... :)