List the things you want to do this summer:
* I want to jogg more!!
* I want to play soccer, cause this is the best sport ever! ( but first, I need to find people who want to play...)
* I want to have a pic-nic sur les plaines d'abraham.
* I want to lie around in the grass with sunglasses & a pair of headphones on.
* I want to do a tea party in the backyard, with beautiful dresses and hats, a lot of pastries, good tea while listening french music.
* I want to draw more...
* I want to lie in bed in the morning, with the windows open & good music playing loudly.
* I want to jogg more!!
* I want to play soccer, cause this is the best sport ever! ( but first, I need to find people who want to play...)
* I want to have a pic-nic sur les plaines d'abraham.
* I want to lie around in the grass with sunglasses & a pair of headphones on.
* I want to do a tea party in the backyard, with beautiful dresses and hats, a lot of pastries, good tea while listening french music.
* I want to draw more...
* I want to lie in bed in the morning, with the windows open & good music playing loudly.
* I want to go to Portland.
* I just want to enjoy this summer.
* Oh! I want to eat Gelato!
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2 commentaires:
t'aimerais retourner à Portland cette été ?
;) jte le souhaite
* faire du vélo
* terminer mon livre
* manger méditerranéen souvent :P
* faire de nombreux feux extérieurs
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